

5 Years
Jul 2, 2016
Last night a fox got in and killed one of my chooks and if i hadn't got there in time to stop it from getting the rest i don't think i would have any chooks left. I had a look around the fence and found the hole it had dug to get it. Does anyone know how i can stop them from digging around the fence. Also is there any simple traps i can build that won't kill it but will allow me to catch it? (just so my dog doesn't get herself killed i also don't want to use poison for the same reason)
Sorry about your chicken :( I would bury hardware cloth down deep to keep them from digging through.

Foxes are incredibly hard to trap because they are "sly" and very smart. You can use the havahart traps, but you need to make sure your scent is not on the trap or they will NOT go in them. Cat food is good as bait.

Our fox problem was so bad I ended up getting and training an LGD and we still have them lurking around. :barnie
Show a picture of where fox gains access. A simple fix might be in order like placing board or hardware cloth where fox is inclined to pass. Also consider hotwire or electrified poultry netting. Latter option cost more an not as pretty but part of my setup.
A hardware cloth 'apron', or a good barrier at least 12" deep around the fence, and a couple of strands of hot wire or tape around everything, or the electrified poultry fencing. See for supplies and great advice. If you trap it, be ready to shoot, DO NOT release it anywhere else! If you can't kill it, rely on prevention and don't bother with traps. Meanwhile, lock your birds in a very safe coop, because your predators will return, and so will all the other hungry varmits in the area. Mary
what type of fox is it? if its the red fox then best of luck to you. there supposed to be a very tricky animal to trap. i would suggest ahavahart trap style (or live cage trap). next make sure you know your laws, where i live foxes are classified as a fur bearing animal, meaning you need a fur license to kill one in season. (but like others have said you should have the right to defend your live stock). if you trap you should note that you most likely can not release it back to the wild, it has to be destroyed, (again check your laws).

for defense, we use 1/2 by 1/2 inch hard ware cloth. and we have coons to deal with where i live. then we plan to use electrical fence to help with any coyotes (and hoping it might stop wild pigs) as are lines of defense.
Do you have an electric fence? Dogs and foxes are strongly deterred by electric shock and will usually leave your flock alone after getting shocked once or twice. I have one and i have only have had one predator problem in the year and two almost three months I've had my chickens and that was a hawk (by only one predator problem i mean only one chicken has been taken by a hawk, it has attacked about three other times but my rooster Napoleon fought it off), no foxes or raccoons. I highly suggest getting one if you don't have one.
Do you have an electric fence? Dogs and foxes are strongly deterred by electric shock and will usually leave your flock alone after getting shocked once or twice. I have one and i have only have had one predator problem in the year and two almost three months I've had my chickens and that was a hawk (by only one predator problem i mean only one chicken has been taken by a hawk, it has attacked about three other times but my rooster Napoleon fought it off), no foxes or raccoons. I highly suggest getting one if you don't have one.

what type of fox is it? if its the red fox then best of luck to you. there supposed to be a very tricky animal to trap. i would suggest ahavahart trap style ( r live cage trap). next make sure you know your laws, where i live foxes are classified as a fur bearing animal, meaning you need a fur license to kill one in season. (but like others have said you should have the right to defend your live stock). if you trap you should note that you most likely can not release it back to the wild, it has to be destroyed, (again check your laws).

for defense, we use 1/2 by 1/2 inch he
And i have filled in the hole and placed a old nesting box that i don't use anymore on top of it.

Also one of my friends suggested placing wire on the ground for a foot or two around the base of the coop and run. Would this work?
it should work placing wire around the coop i know we are placing it about 1 foot under ground and 1 to 2 feet out. again this is more for coyotes as we have little to no foxes around with so many coyotes,

but it should work fine for most predators that will try to dig, also i should note that the only two i have every heard getting in/past hard ware cloth are bears and wild hogs. (well not sure if a marten/wolverine can get it where i camp something shredded up hard ware cloth and removed the heads of 3 chickens, again this is in bear country and there are some other nasty things up there mostly wolverines, mink, marten and fisher) but would hate to see a badger try to get passed hard ware cloth as those claws are nasty. :)

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