Freaking bears!


6 Years
Feb 20, 2013
Colorado Springs, CO
So the cops came today to chase a bear out of my backyard while I was at work. In suburbia.
Bears aren't that uncommon here but I have never had one bother my flock. Well it got one of my chickens this time. Most of them were locked up in their run, but two got out to range this morning. Didn't think anything of letting them run around since we're surrounded be neighbors with dogs.

So I'm bummed but now I have to wonder if the bear will be back and this time go into the run. It's hardware cloth and welded wire, but that won't stop a bear. Any advice?
Wow! Some people who live in areas with larger predators use electric wires around the coop and run, would that be an option for you? So sorry you lost some birds :(
He will most definitely be back. He will be marauding the neighborhood and definitely be checking back in at your coop. Expect more visits in the next day or two. They usually come back until animal control does something.
I know this is no laughing matter, but hopefully this will lighten your mood:

My partner said to put fermented apples around your fence. The bear will eat them and then won't be able to get through the fence. :)

In all seriousness, I'm normally against elecrtic fencing, but in this case, I would consider it. Whatever you do, I really hope it works out and you don't lose anymore chickens. Best of luck to you, and please keep us posted.
Thanks for the tips :)

Animal control and the police came to chase it off. Not sure what happened after that.
Bears aren't unusual here, but they are during the daytime. Someone mentioned putting 2 litre bottles with vinegar around the fenceline, poking holes in them for the smell to escape. I may try that, too.

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