Free chick from McMurray

We got two extra chicks in our order we got in today. They only marked 16 chicks in the box (including the exotic), but we have 17 total, and we don't know what breeds they are.

Here are pictures of the first one

And here are pictures of the second one.

We ordered
1 Free Rare Exotic Chick
3 Phoenixes (accounted for)
1 Speckled Sussex (accounted for)
2 Barred Rocks (accounted for)
2 Black Australorps (accounted for)
2 Buff Orpington (accounted for)
3 Araucanas, a.k.a. EEs ( (accounted for))
2 Buttercups (accounted for)

That was our above listed order. Any guesses?
I think they sent you a free EE. A lot of hatcheries toss in an extra freebie or more of birds you've ordered, depending on what they have.
We ruled out EE because the leg color isn't right... I suppose it could be, considering all hatchery EEs are mixed breeds... We also thought they may have thrown in an extra one of something we ordered, and we tried holding them to compare to the other breeds, but it didn't match at all. The Phoenixes are all way smaller, the EEs are a dark brown with green-ish legs, and all the others were black or dark brown. It looks like any other EE I have gotten this year (with exception of the leg color) so you may be on to something... I dunno.
Any guesses?
Aww, not sure about roo, but he is rally cute. Mine is definitely a Golden Laced Wyandotte. I'm pretty sure he's a roo, which I didn't want. However, now we're talking about breeding GLW, so I guess he's a blessing in disguise.
We ruled out EE because the leg color isn't right... I suppose it could be, considering all hatchery EEs are mixed breeds... We also thought they may have thrown in an extra one of something we ordered, and we tried holding them to compare to the other breeds, but it didn't match at all. The Phoenixes are all way smaller, the EEs are a dark brown with green-ish legs, and all the others were black or dark brown. It looks like any other EE I have gotten this year (with exception of the leg color) so you may be on to something... I dunno.

Did you ever figure out what they sent you?
I recently ordered from Mcmurray and I kept insisting every time I had a change made to my order that I didn't want the free rooster. But I got him anyway when the man at Mcmurray swapped out a australorp pullet for a buff orpington pullet, and that was when that free chick hitched a ride into the little box with all the air holes punched in it. And now I am the proud owner of an extra buff orpington roo. Oh well......sigh! He's still cute for what it's worth and I'll figure out eventually what to do with him, maybe I'll keep him.

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