Free chick from McMurray

I just got my order from McMurray today. The chicks were all lively and healthy. I have no idea what my free chick is. My only complaint is that I did not get my quick chick that was suppose to be under the bedding. Anyway here is a pic of the chick.

He or she is in the middle.:)
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Did you ever figure out what they sent you?

We still haven't figured it out, but we are thinking the *extra chick is an EE, and the *Rare chick may be an EE. Both ended up having blue legs... So I had more pictures sent to me of the possible *Rare..

Here it is at 3 weeks:

This is a picture of her legs. The girl up in front is a Buttercup we ordered.
Wow! You are from Bigfork MT! I have never been there but one of our clients has a home there. Don't see the city name very often.

As for the chick ID? I have no clue but it is beautifully colored and adorably cute!

It took us what seemed like forever to identify our mystery chick and that was mostly by a process of elimination since we got 8 chicks and all different breeds. It amazes me how they change to something completely different than their coloring as chicks! We were like....
for weeks!! LOL

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