Free chickens, need help identifying them

They look....well the reddish ones do.....just exactly like the chicks I hatch this spring with a Buff Orpington rooster over RIR hens. Some were over a Partridge Rock hen but they had more of the darker feathers. But the RIR/BO's look just like your pictures!


Here is a picture of when they were much younger. The older pictures are on my other computer. You can tell which ones in the picture that I think look like yours.
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aw, your birds are so beautiful! You have two buff orps, one is a roo, one is a pullet. You also have a Gold Laced Wyandotte girl. She's probably the bossy one
So, Red Stars or Production Reds?

Is there any differance between the two, or are they one in the same?

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