Free choice feed or rationed?

The potential predators around here are raccoons, foxes, and raptors. There is a bit of secondary growth woods across the one-lane road. The run is chain link fence with a wire mesh skirt.

Rodents and raccoons are the only two creatures I can think of that would be interested in chicken feed itself. The coop is simple in design, bedded with wood shavings, and elevated a couple of feet off the ground. There isn't any place rodents could hide. I've closed off all gaps in the run with wire mesh including the gaps at the run's roof since raccoons are good climbers and good at squeezing through tight places.

I've seen and heard foxes but only on other people's property, no traces near the coop. The local raptors (coopers and red-shouldered hawks) are too small to take on a flock of fully grown dual breed hens and prefer other prey anyways. The hens still keep an eye on the sky when they're free-ranging but quickly resume foraging even when a raptor perches in the tree above them. Haha!

There's also a tree nearby that houses some cardinals. The cardinals have tried sleeping the in the run but haven't displayed much interest in eating the feed.
My main concern inside the coop is rodents. Raccoons will not be able to get inside. But there have been a few other people here really cautioning me about rats.

As for all the other predators, my main concern will be day time attacks by raccoons or other predators that normally come out at night. and of course, hawks. I don't know as we have hawks on the property, but I know they are in the area. I've read a lot of people's accounts of hawk attacks..
I leave a large stock of food out but my feeder is suspended from the roof a a comfortable beak height as we get mice in their pen... Reduced waste completely as I never see any on the floor whereas they always did when I had it low down even on a few big bricks they still kicked it. Mine come with a kit to hang it up too- I love my feed shop as he's
So knowledgable!
That's a good idea about hanging it so mice can't get to it. I wonder if rats would be able to get it? Though I don't want rats in there period.. I worry more for the eggs and chickens themselves when it comes to the rats. *shudders*
You may well find rationing had the opposite effect and causes the chickens to eat more per individual since they don't have the opportunity to eat whenever they're hungry they will mob the feeder and fight for a spot and inhale the feed. Some will eat more than others some may not get their fill and if you estimate the total feed intake then give a little more you may go through more feed as since they are going to mob the feeder they will eat every bit where as free feeding they just eat what they need as food is nothing special. I know with feeder pigs they will eat more on rationing since they compete and they actually seem to grow out faster than on free feed because they're more likely to gorge themselves.
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Hmm, well, yes, I suppose that is a possibility as well. It gives me some more to think about. I did fail to mention that they will be free ranging in a huge yard during the day. I mean, I definitely want everyone to eat as much as they need, but I'm not keen on wasting feed. But I do like what you said about their food being nothing special. No big deal, just what they need and get everyday. Thank you. :)
That's a good idea about hanging it so mice can't get to it. I wonder if rats would be able to get it? Though I don't want rats in there period.. I worry more for the eggs and chickens themselves when it comes to the rats. *shudders*

Hanging feed will not stop mice or rats from getting it.
They will find a way to it.

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