Free for All Chickens Contest - prize! (Sort of.) RESULTS on PG 4

March of the ......Australorps?

Starring Winkin, Blinkin, and Nod

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Here are mine!

I don't have names for them yet but if you have any suggestions please say them!

These are my 2 Millie Fleur d'Uccles. Suzette (left) Arlette (right)

And this is my little OEGB rooster Prince. R.I.P.
I just took a photo of my unknown chick (EE maybe?). Named it ''Blackie'' as it was pure black when it was younger...he or she is now 7 weeks old.

Just love the little head tilt
Here is a picture of our 9 week old Delaware named Teryaki

Here is a pick of one of the Partridge silkies we dont have a name for it, of the 9 silkies only 1 has a name. They are all 9 weeks old now.

Our White Cochin named Marshmallow also 9 weeks old

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