Free Range Transpassors


11 Years
Apr 4, 2008
Joshua, Tx
Ok, I love chickens don't get me wrong, but I've had it up to here with this issue.

I have my birds in cages (in runs) so that my bloodlines stay pure. My neighbor has had free range game chickens longer than I have had my chickens. Lately there has been a hen with chicks that has been coming on my yard. At first I didn't care, the hen was just protecting her clutch by taking them to a safe area (my land).

But know the hen and chicks (4-5 weeks) are starting to trash my landscaping. The mulch under tress is totally shot (spread everywhere). The garden is trashed as well.

I can't expect to tell the neighbor to keep his chickens on his side. Besides how would he even do it. What can I do to make the chickens want to stay off my land. I've chased them off, but they come back. Birds are going to start disappearing if I can't get this under control.

PS. Birds can stay if they stay out of the garden and mulch beds.
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Wow, thats a tough one. How well do you get along with your neighbor? Maybe bring it up in conversation that his hen is trashing your hard work, at keeping a garden. Just ask..." Is there some way you can pen up that hen and babies? they are really tearing things up"
If he doesnt want to co operate...catch them, and rehome them. After a sorts.... they are predators. Good luck.
Yes, were friends and I've lightly brought it up, but I didn't press the issue. His birds are very flighty, so catching them is unlikely. I was hoping there was something (organic) that I could spray on the beds to prevent them from trashing them.
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Maybe a pungent oil that they may not like.... rosemary, mint, I can't say for sure which would repel a chicken... but they seem sensitive enough to smells/oils.
Good luck with the repellant. I can't even keep my chickens out of the strawberry patch with fence. The crazy birds fly into the fence and even get under the fence trying to get into that dirt. I made the mistake of letting them dig the grubs out when we first put the dirt in the raised strawberry bed before putting the plants in and now they think they need to be in there daily.
good fences make good neighbors.....Offer to pay 50% for a good fence.

You could go all ninja and squert her with the hose a few times. She might figure out she's not welcome.
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Outsides a 300' tall x 6' long wooden fence (hoping they don't fly over still or better yet walk around), a fence isn't going to help the issue at hand. If the chicken want over they'll get over or around.

Beside there a nice fence there already, short (4') but nice.
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