Free range


Aug 29, 2018
I am looking to free range my flock that is about a-year-old. How do I introduced them to free ranging? Do I just want them out one day and I hope they come back? We have a mix of seven chickens for Muskogee’s in three khaki Campbell ducks
I am looking to free range my flock that is about a-year-old. How do I introduced them to free ranging? Do I just want them out one day and I hope they come back? We have a mix of seven chickens for Muskogee’s in three khaki Campbell ducks

How long have you had them ?
Do they go back into the coop by themselves every night ?

Just let them out and they’ll go back in as normal to their coop at night.
I am looking to free range my flock that is about a-year-old. How do I introduced them to free ranging? Do I just want them out one day and I hope they come back? We have a mix of seven chickens for Muskogee’s in three khaki Campbell ducks
Yes...provided they are well homed to the pen, but *i* would also work on coming when really comes in handy in getting them back when needed vs. having to wait and hope on days something happens or if you have some start to think about going rogue. A simple call, toss favorite treat approach works great....teach them to associate coming to the pen when they hear that call with getting their most prized treat.
Before we let ours free range (we kept them in the run for a couple of months when we first got them), I filled an empty butter container half full of scratch. I would shake it every time I was going to give them a treat. Pretty soon they would come running. That's how we get our hens back into their run now!
I am looking to free range my flock that is about a-year-old. How do I introduced them to free ranging? Do I just want them out one day and I hope they come back? We have a mix of seven chickens for Muskogee’s in three khaki Campbell ducks

I don't do ducks so no experience there. Two questions. What do your facilities look like and how long have they been living there? Photos might really help.

The way I did it with my first brood is that the chicks were raised in the coop and run. One day I left the run gate open and walked away, they were round 8 weeks old. When it was about dark I made sure I was around. The chicks desperately wanted to go back to the coop and most made it. But a few were behind a fence and did not understand all they had to do was walk along the fence to get to the gate they had used a few times that day gong in for food and water. They were that desperate to get back to the coop. I had to guide them to the gate a couple of nights before the last one caught on.

After three years of free ranging I put up electric netting because of two different dog attacks from different dogs that were abandoned where I was living. One attack cost me 8 chickens, the other 5, so I gave up on free ranging. Hopefully you will do better.

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