Free ranging guinea fowl?

5 doesn't work?
Odd number when they prefer to pair up. I won't recommend fewer than 10. People who have 20 or more see even more of the flock dynamics.

The other thing is that you can only get sexed guinea as adults. Makes it really difficult to get near a 1:1 ratio for the sexes when you start with just a few.

The first batch I hatched came out with 1 hen and 7 cocks. Not even close to a desirable ratio. In larger flocks, the extra males tend to hang out in a bachelor flock.


Life is not always fair, and we don't live in an Ideal Universe.
Battery hens have a much sadder life, and there is no revolt happening against that. I do like the idea of rescuing battery hens. A certain member from UK, does such. I could tag him,,,, but it is not that important.
Just raise and nurture 🩷the pets that you have.:hugs It is a much better option than the alternative. Meaning,,,, soup :old
As to the wing clipping. Try one wing at first. This makes for a lopsided flight, and not able to make over fence. Cutting wing feathers, does not hurt. Just make sure you don't cut too short and into the blood vein. If you are ready to do such, I can show you diagrams on proper clipping.
BTW,,, Guineas do like to eat ticks.:frow

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