Free Ranging?

Free Ranging- Yay or Nay?

  • Yay!

    Votes: 25 62.5%
  • Nay!

    Votes: 1 2.5%
  • It Depends

    Votes: 14 35.0%

  • Total voters


Apr 9, 2017
Hi everyone! I want to know your opinions/experiences with free ranging. We have over 30 chickens and are debating whether or not to let them free range. We would like to, but want to make sure it's safe.

How do you keep your chickens out of the road? Can you keep them out of the road? We have a nice big yard, surrounded by the woods. However, we are also by a dirt road, on which everyone drives like idiots on :rolleyes:

How long do you free range them during the day? Just a couple hours, or from morning to roost time? Do they always come back to roost at night?

We also have a big garden. Will they do more harm than good to the garden? The big thing is we want them to have as much room as possible, and eat as many ticks and bad garden bugs as possible.

Would love to hear your thoughts/opinions!
Free ranging is great for chickens, it helps them receive the vitamins that they need to thrive. I free range mine all day everyday, and they always come roost at night. You would have to watch your garden, as the chickens might think that the vegetables are for them! Really there is no way to keep a chicken away from the road without putting up a fence, once they want to cross the road, they are going to cross it! Just make sure to watch predators, since you said that you are by woods, they might think the chickens are their dinner. :barnie
Free ranging is great for chickens, it helps them receive the vitamins that they need to thrive. I free range mine all day everyday, and they always come roost at night. You would have to watch your garden, as the chickens might think that the vegetables are for them! Really there is no way to keep a chicken away from the road without putting up a fence, once they want to cross the road, they are going to cross it! Just make sure to watch predators, since you said that you are by woods, they might think the chickens are their dinner. :barnie

Awesome, thanks! So as far as the road goes, would you not worry about it and let them cross if they want to cross?
I believe my girls are happier being free range. We generally let them out in the morning and they kinda hung around the yard, we could usually find them at all times. They stay together in a group and come back to the coop to lay or get a drink. Then they would come back towards evening. We understand that free ranging can be dangerous and we may lose some to predators. But such is nature, and we feel the good of free ranging out weighs the bad.
I like to free range at least for a little while every day. Sometimes they are out all day, until it starts to get dark then they go into the coop on their own. Unless you are planning to put up a fence, they will possibly go across the road. But I have noticed with mine that they tend to avoid wide open spaces if at all possible, so the road crossing may not be as appealing to them if it's an open space with no place to hide. I was afraid mine would find their way to the swimming pool, but I guess it's too exposed for their taste because they never wander over that way. I feel the benefits of free ranging outweigh the risks, I have a neighbor who never free ranges and she is always having an issue with illnesses, egg eating, bad behavior, etc. I have had none of these issues, I believe it's partially due to the chickens being able to free range. But whatever works for you, everyone's got their own system for keeping them happy and healthy.
Thank you for your thoughtful responses! Our main concern is not wanting them to get hit in the road... I'm hoping that our yard is big enough to deter them from wandering that way... but I definitely get that it would be better for their mental health! Today we took turns letting a few of our chickens, one at a time, have a turn at being outside for like 15 min to see what they would do... they didn't run off! Lol.
Thank you for your thoughtful responses! Our main concern is not wanting them to get hit in the road... I'm hoping that our yard is big enough to deter them from wandering that way... but I definitely get that it would be better for their mental health! Today we took turns letting a few of our chickens, one at a time, have a turn at being outside for like 15 min to see what they would do... they didn't run off! Lol.
If you want to start slowly, a good idea is to let them out to free range 2 hours before night fall. They will not go far and will want to be near their coop as darkness comes.
I have some chickens in an uncovered big run during the day. There are places to hide (tall grass, barrels, etc) and shady places, as well as sheets hung/tied in strategic places to deter overhead predators and to provide shade.

I have some chickens in a smaller, uncovered run during the day. They have shade (tree or sheets) for protection.

I have some chickens that free range wherever they want to on the property. They tend to stick pretty close to the chickens in the runs and want to join them. (I don't let them join due to the female/male hormone ratio.)

I have some chickens that prefer to hang out in the front yard, right next to the house - they won't venture away from it!

I have some chickens that prefer to hang out on the deck in the back. They have to be encouraged to move along to green grass.

I open everything up just after first crow. Lol - NOT all the chickens appreciate that early call, but hey, if the roosters can crow and prevent me from sleeping in, then they should have to get up and get going too! Right?? If it's before dawn is finished, I usually stay with them for safety reasons. Dawn finishes up pretty quickly. :)

MOST of my chickens will go to their coop, their room, or their safe spot between 8-8:30 pm. I have one rooster (a sweetie!) that prefers to sleep right next to my back door on the social chair. I've got him on a bar chair now...(which is a little higher) and he will put himself to bed about 8:45 pm after everyone else is down for the night.

I do try to round up some of my chickens prior to 8 pm. My ducks like to leave their clubhouse about 6 pm and completely free range until about 7 pm. Then in for a bedtime snack and drink. Their room-mates, the Three Muskateers, are usually ready to come in about 7 -7:30 pm. They settle in pretty quickly.

Lol - now that I really think about it - it's my older guys that prefer the earlier bedtimes and my youngest are the ones that want to stay up later. :) Chickens!

Regarding safety - do the best you can do. Accept that something may happen eventually. If you can be present when they are out, or check on them, do so. I walk and visit my chickens a few times a day. The over head predators see that. Sheets flapping in the wind also help deter predators. Hiding places help deter predators. All my animals know where to seek shelter. I rearrange thing sometimes. Keeps predators confused. All my animals know to run to me if there THEY feel danger/scared/concerned. And lastly, my animals will help each other in most cases. If one sounds an alarm, MOST of them will listen and look for the threat.

As others recommended, start them off with short outdoor time. If I raise the animals from babies, that's how I do it. For the animals I adopt, I usually give them a little more freedom with outdoor time in the beginning, if they have been free ranging prior to being rehomed.

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