Free Ranging


Mar 15, 2023
Senatobia, MS
I let my 13 week Olds free range today for 4 hours. I normally do an hour and stay with them. But today I had to force myself to leave them. I'm so proud of them! They watched for hawks and stayed near the tree line. I kept an eye on them through the window and checked on them often. I am amazed at their natural instincts. These 20230331_180503.jpg 20230318_130047.jpg 20230331_180542.jpg animals impress me so much more than I could ever have imagined. Is this how I should do it? Start letting them out while I'm at home to monitor and work our way up to them being out all the time during daylight? So far it seems hawks are my only daytime predators. I'm sooo proud of them. I did get them put up already but will try tomorrow to see if them put themselves up. They seem to stay together also. 20230318_130053.jpg
Mine are almost 8 Weeks. One managed to roost with the adults, missed getting into coop with other 9, for the night. This morning, she was anxiously waiting for her playmates!. Keeping them within site of the adults has paid off! My adults roost on my b porch.

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