free ranging...?

They're very social birds, really appreciate company of other birds. If this bird was raised with other peafowl, I would go along with others recommending more peafowl.

But, if he was not raised with other peafowl and/or was raised with chickens or guineas, they will work as social buddies for him. I've seen places with lone peacocks, however all of them also had other birds, chickens or guineas usually and the peacock 'followed' them around.

If you bought the bird recently, definitely don't let him loose until he has company. On their first days of being loose, it is important nothing startles or chases him.... if you have kids or dogs, keep them out of the yard while he is out so they cannot scare or chase him. If he runs or flies before really knowing where home is, he can become permanently lost. Also helps a lot if waiting until new peafowl are very comfortable with you before letting loose.
ok i guess i will get a female then! thanks yall!

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