FREE Rhode Island Red Rooster & an awesome laying Black Star Chicken

Thank you
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I'm sorry to hear that you have to re-home your rooster and hen.
Mean roosters are definitely no fun to be around. Craig's list is a good place to start advertising them. Once you have 20 posts, you can also post them in the Buy-Sell-Trade section: Animals In Need of Free Re-Homing

I hope you can find them a home!
My rooster & hen left tonight to an awesome farm with SO much acreage - I know they will be happy but it was hard to get rid of my hen -- she is 11 months old and I've had her since she was 2 days old. The rooster was easier as he was sooooo mean. But I know they will be happy and I know my remaining 4 hens will be happier with no drama anymore either. But 'mom' still cried.

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