Sponsored Post Free Sample of Zyfend® A! – comment with photo of your chickens!

Taking a bow
DwayneNLiz... Thank you so much for posting your question on Zyfend
A! We developed Zyfend A with a large egg producing customer for their organic and natural certified laying operations over 4 years ago when worms were causing major health and productivity issues for them. The challenge was that there were no products that their organic certifier would approve for the use to address the problem. They initially tried the product for over 9 months and have continued to use it since that time with excellent results.
You are correct! It's innovative formula is designed to help break down the natural defenses of the worm and their eggs so that they become susceptible to the birds own immune system, stomach acids and harmful bacteria that can harm them.

The good news is that Zyfend A can be used without having to throw away any eggs! No chemicals, no medications, no synthetics. And requires no VFD (Veterinary Feed Directive) or Rx to use it! Just use 6 drops in every gallon of water provided to your birds, 1 week out of every month throughout the year.

Don't hesitate to reach out to me with any additional questions I may be able to answer. (Visit our website for contact information = [COLOR=005CB1]www.dbcagproducts.com

Thanks again for your question!

Sounds like a great product! Thanks for explaining, I understand it much better now.

I might be too late, but I've been wanting to try this stuff! This is part of my flock enjoying their new fall "carpet."
What pretty birds! What breed are the blue ones?

Thank you CuzChickens, those are Blue Wynadottes is what we're thinking. A friend of mine purchased 6 Wyandotte chicks form Dels/TSC the end of March, expecting BLRW, one didn't make it. She was surprised to see them color out. They haven't started laying yet giving her time to find a male so she can breed them with.
Thank you CuzChickens, those are Blue Wynadottes is what we're thinking.  A friend of mine purchased 6 Wyandotte chicks form Dels/TSC the end of March, expecting BLRW, one didn't make it.  She was surprised to see them color out.  They haven't started laying yet giving her time to find a male so she can breed them with.

Oh, yeah, I remember now! I think you posted them on a Wyandotte thread, didn't you? They are beautiful!

The pictures are a little old. The guinea hens are now bald, and the white leghorns are bigger. I have 13 guinea fowl, 6 white leghorns, and 12 BB red OEGs. They are very spoiled and prefer lettuce over cabbage.

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