FREE Small Flock in Northern Vermont


9 Years
Sep 8, 2010
Vermont, USA
I have a small flock of chickens (5 hens and 1 rooster) that are free to a good home. They are a mix of breeds and ages (from 1 year to 3 years old) and all of the hens lay regularly still. They are easy to maintain and good for 3-4 eggs a day all year-round with proper lighting in the winter. Within the mix is 1 Barred Rock, 1 Black Orpington, 2 Buff Leghorns, 1 Americauna and 1 Speckled Orpington Rooster.

I would prefer that they all go together as they area close-knit flock and I don't want them going into a stewpot. They would be the perfect starter flock for anyone interested in having backyard chickens of their own and getting fresh eggs every morning.

My work situation has changed recently to one that has me traveling far more often so I am no longer able to take care of them.

I also have a very nice coop that was professionally built that I would be willing to part with for a small fee if you can haul it away. It is 4 years old and in great shape and it originally cost $899 from Livingston Farms in Bristol, VT. Its a 24 square foot coop with 4 nesting boxes. It can fit 6 birds comfortably and 8-9 if they have a big enough run to stretch out in.

Please PM me if you want photos of either the birds or coop.

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