Freedom of speech

Occasionally, I get a student that trys to say something that is inappropriate in class and claims "freedom of speech" I inform them that school is not a democracy and they need to curb their tongues!
Historically yes, many were jailed regarding for freedom of speech issues, but I'm assuming you mean one of us....Many women when marches were held to get women the vote were jailed and then their "men" came and got them out because they needed food and clean clothes ....I'm not kidding!
I always find it intersting who like to hide behind freedom of speach ,
We have the Freedom to do lots of things but that dosnt mean we should do them I have the freedom to walk up to someone on the street and say its my opinon that youre a BLank blank blankety blank but uhh why would I use this freedom to do stupid iresponsible and hurtfull things ,,
Just beacuse you can do somethind NEVER Means you SHould indscimently do it , thats why we were given both brains and conciounce
i love the people who think they have a right to freedom of speech in an internet forum. the "right" to vote is another one.
yeah my kids now wont listen and protest listing/reading ect ect to laws about freedom of speech in school since it doesnt aply to them..
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What'd you do?


I am a HUGE fan of freedom of speech and will defend to my death your right to tell me you hate me. BUT, there are limits things like defamation, hate speech, inciting to riot, causing a panic.

There are some faux news stations around here that really need to be reminded of some of these!
I was curious of others opinions. In the last 5 days I called the non emergency number in my county to report domestic violence against my sister on two seperate occasions. My sister is to terrified of her abuser to speak up. After the second call I made a deputy showed up at my house with a warning saying if I called again I would be jailed.

This ticked me off and I did something stupid, at the time it didn't seem stupid to me.

I painted a huge sign that read "Some law enforcement officers in this county condone demostic violence." This sigh was placed in my front yard. I was so mad that if I had the money to pay for a bill board I would have placed the message there.

There have been many officers stop by to support me and tell me they will still go by and check on my sister but there has been another officer stop by to take pictures of my sigh.

I have been in contact with the governors office today and they told me to take the sigh down which I did. I still feel like I will be jailed.

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