French frogs

I'm waiting to hear back from Pyxis forst. She is checking on her end because that was the only place tracking was ever updated. So....just a waiting game at this point. And on top of it they are going to be getting hit by a nasty snow going to make it extremely difficult...I think.

So sorry... that sucks... :hugs
Thinking of changing avatar pic... anyone got any ideas to help?

How about this?
All you people getting snow be safe.
I know you all aren't used to driving on it either so please be extra safe.
I have lost enough friends ....
I want a big snowstorm...especially if my wife is off work that day.
Just want to sit and watch tv all day.
And pig out......seriously be safe.
Calm down, it's ok. You may have some early hatches, but that's not fatal. Did you check more than one spot? I get readings from 98.9-101.5
I wouldn't make any drastic changes now, unless you would feel better dropping one degree

I didn't check more then one spot. I will now. You slip it through the vent hole on top, right? I calibrated my other thermometer and it was dead on, so I stuck it in there and it's reading 100.5 and the spot check is now reading 102.5! 2 degrees high. The brinsea is reading 1 degree low. I should trust the calibrated one, right? I checked it in a proper ice bath, and it sat right at 32 degrees.

I'm waiting to hear back from Pyxis forst. She is checking on her end because that was the only place tracking was ever updated. So....just a waiting game at this point. And on top of it they are going to be getting hit by a nasty snow going to make it extremely difficult...I think.

Ross, I'm so sorry. That is super frustrating and upsetting, especially because I know they are an investment. But Pyxis is good
(She helped me tremendously with a sick reptile)...I know she'll help you out!


Take a deep breath... always calibrate any thermometer no matter the name on it... plus I heard about a whole batch of the spot checks running a couple degrees off...

And being a little high is ok... I run mine closer to 101 anyways and have better results...

:hugs thank you. Yeah, it seems to be running 2 degrees high. I'm going to move it around and see...

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