French frogs

LOL, You guys are too funny.  I just heard somewhere that i wasn't good to incubate eggs from "older" hens.  Now I can't find where I read it or why.

I know a lot about women of "advanced maternal age" from my years at the infertility clinic.  But for chickens, I have no clue.

Since they are just my own halfloffs, whatever hatches, hatches.

Is three really that old for a chicken? I thought they lived till 8
LOL, You guys are too funny.  I just heard somewhere that i wasn't good to incubate eggs from "older" hens.  Now I can't find where I read it or why.

I know a lot about women of "advanced maternal age" from my years at the infertility clinic.  But for chickens, I have no clue.

Since they are just my own halfloffs, whatever hatches, hatches.

I think it's more aimed at people that want every single egg to hatch... I 'heard' viability drops around 3 and up, but other than that I don't see any reason why not to incubate...
I know for people, "advanced maternal age" is 35, since fertility starts dropping around age 32.  Somewhere I read something about the best maternal ages for chickens, but haven't found it yet.  (Of course, I'm not looking that hard, either.)

:lau I didnt start having children until 32...Oh well I got lucky.
I guess I just figured a chicken was not considered old until 5. But I am hardly a bird expert...not even knowledgeable layperson.
I think it's more aimed at people that want every single egg to hatch... I 'heard' viability drops around 3 and up, but other than that I don't see any reason why not to incubate...

Yeah, I 'heard' that too. Just wondering if I should put in more eggs because I'll probably get less chicks. More of a mental exercise than a real concern.

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