French frogs

He ain't sleeping tonight... prolly call in sick in the morn... and have to clean the outside of the bator due to noseprints...

he done gone to bed and I think I'm not far behind . lots of work today . and I'm beat . one more trip out to check on them chickens and I'm going to bed . I 'll be back tomorrow goodnight al you too Ravyn
I spent 17 years in Colorado Springs... driving in snow and ice doesn't bother me at least... I just didn't like being on the road with all the idjits in trucks with 4WD that think it solves everything... end up fishtailing all over the place cuz they got an empty bed on slick ice trying to gun it... :/

I got front wheel drive, my fave for driving in crap weather... my OH though... he's not good with black ice...

Have lots of fun tomorrow, Phil... give that kid some awesome first fishing memories...

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