French frogs

:D    I remember those days, but no more!

But this reminds me, my husband is supposed to sign some paper for work agreeing that he understands that no weapons are allowed in any of their buildings.  If he has clothes on, you can bet he is wearing a pistol.  He is having a rough time trying to figure out what to do.  Don't sign the paper?  Sign it and ignore it?  Fight it?  Not carrying is not an option, unless it means losing his job.  
He needs to read the company policy and procedure, then talk to HR or s supervisor to see if there are any exemptions or waivers. If he signs it and gets caught, he'll probably be fired. If he doesn't sign it, he may be terminated for not complying with company policy.

Guess it depends on how much the job means to him, and probably should leave the gun in the truck until he finds another job.

At least, that's how it works in CA where gun laws are stricter.
Same here....I don't have keys to the house. Years ago when we had to go away for a week I decided to change the locks so we had a key. But I've since lost said key....:/ I guess if i need to lock it I'll have to replace the lock again.....

My parents relied on our very nosey elderly neighbor. They just let her know they would be gone and then trusted that she would alert people if someone unfamiliar showed up. (She used to call my mom at work and let her know when my brother and I were fighting :lau )
Way out here there is no one to see. But my FIL shows up at random times and our neighbors are good, if they see something they would, have, investigate.
I'll ask my sister in law. What do you need?

dang shame.

my dad, would never refuse me asking to borrow something........but he was very sure he received whatever it was back, and in the correct place.

even now that he has passed away, and I inherited all of his woodworking stuff, I still return them in their proper place, and in the same or better condition I borrowed them.
I don't know about WV but in SC certain businesses can post warnings that "No Concealable weapons are allowed " And you have to abide by the warning.

Warnings can be posted here also, and you can be escorted off the property, but its not an offense that is punishable by law.

He needs to read the company policy and procedure, then talk to HR or s supervisor to see if there are any exemptions or waivers. If he signs it and gets caught, he'll probably be fired. If he doesn't sign it, he may be terminated for not complying with company policy.

Guess it depends on how much the job means to him, and probably should leave the gun in the truck until he finds another job.

At least, that's how it works in CA where gun laws are stricter.

Yes, he is checking into it further. The job is very important, and will override his need to carry, if it comes to that. Leaving it in the truck when he travels may be an issue also, since its a company truck! But we're hoping he can get an exemption.
even here in Texas, where we now have open carry, for pistols (so long as you have a concealed carry permit) and open carry of long guns, most work places have the signage and company policy for no carry on company property.

they do however allow us to have in our personal vehicle.

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