French frogs

last night, wife said something about a funny smell coming from the 45 eggs in the bator.  to me it smelled like incubating eggs.  she was worried about a rotten egg in there, so I candled.  I was gonna wait until lockdown, before candling again.

Pulled 3 clears.
I have never pulled a clear before lockdown. They help hold the other eggs upright in the Brinsea :gig
I have never pulled a clear before lockdown. They help hold the other eggs upright in the Brinsea
EHH.......all our eggs are laying flat, and hand turning.......or rather rolling.........

Seriously... last night I got home, went to check eggs, incubator, brooder, blah, blah... he said "do you think I could get 5 minutes of your time?"

I turned a little more red last night. Assisted a middle-of-the-egg pipper that I started yesterday morning, expecting that it would die while I was at work. Remember, this is Armand's baby. When I got home, it was still alive, so I figured if I was going to have to cull it anyway, I might as well continue helping. Over the course of a couple of hours, I had it to where all that was left in the shell was its butt, but I wanted it to push out on its own. It finally did!
Here's what was left of the shell. This was a big egg and the air cell was small. I think that's why it was malpositioned.

And here's the chick this morning. Perfect and adorable!!

On the flip-side, the other wrong-ender that actually hatched unassisted, still has a bum leg. I'm trying to work it, but it may end up being culled. Its odd, because its not the normal splay, or slipped tendon. Its almost like the tendon is too tight. The leg is folded up tightly, so I'm trying rehab, stretching it out. Oddly enough, these 2 are the only 5-toe ones of the 7. The final egg never pipped.
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Seriously... last night I got home, went to check eggs, incubator, brooder, blah, blah... he said "do you think I could get 5 minutes of your time?" :he I turned a little more red last night. Assisted a middle-of-the-egg pipper that I started yesterday morning, expecting that it would die while I was at work. Remember, this is Armand's baby. When I got home, it was still alive, so I figured if I was going to have to cull it anyway, I might as well continue helping. Over the course of a couple of hours, I had it to where all that was left in the shell was its butt, but I wanted it to push out on its own. It finally did! Here's what was left of the shell. This was a big egg and the air cell was small. I think that's why it was malpositioned. And here's the chick this morning. Perfect and adorable!! On the flip-side, the other wrong-ender that actually hatched unassisted, still has a bum leg. I'm trying to work it, but it may end up being culled. Its odd, because its not the normal splay, or slipped tendon. Its almost like the tendon is too tight. The leg is folded up tightly, so I'm trying rehab, stretching it out. Oddly enough, these 2 are the only 5-toe ones of the 7. The final egg never pipped.
:love I may have turned a little purple on my last hatch (aside from pulling them out when they dry :gig) I had another stargazer from Johnny, but not as severe as the splash. I spent an hour Saturday morning getting her to drink, then massaging her neck and trying to get her to hold her head steady. By lunchtime she stopped the rolling. Now, every time she hears my voice she runs out from under the heater. When I pick her up, I start rubbing her cheeks, and she will turn side to side like a cat with her eyes closed. Very un-sclike :gig I'll try and get a picture of her tonight
EHH.......all our eggs are laying flat, and hand turning.......or rather rolling.........

So what day are you on now, and how many left? 45 still? In that case, I'd probably pull them too, just to not have to bother with them.


I may have turned a little purple on my last hatch (aside from pulling them out when they dry
I had another stargazer from Johnny, but not as severe as the splash. I spent an hour Saturday morning getting her to drink, then massaging her neck and trying to get her to hold her head steady. By lunchtime she stopped the rolling.
Now, every time she hears my voice she runs out from under the heater. When I pick her up, I start rubbing her cheeks, and she will turn side to side like a cat with her eyes closed. Very un-sclike

I'll try and get a picture of her tonight

Oh dear, we need video.
And yes, I'd say that qualifies as a little purple
Have they already stuck you?

Last week...
Russian Orloff and Blue Wheaten Ameraucana, plus 2EE mixes.
. Ugh, hope you get good news.

Was good serious issues.
Didn't even complain about liver function this time. KIDNEYS were okay for a change. DID up my pain meds but they haven't been working very well for a while.
Now i want to play! :D Someday
Yes waiting is the worst
tell me about it.....:/
I may have turned a little purple on my last hatch (aside from pulling them out when they dry :gig)
I had another stargazer from Johnny, but not as severe as the splash. I spent an hour Saturday morning getting her to drink, then massaging her neck and trying to get her to hold her head steady. By lunchtime she stopped the rolling.
Now, every time she hears my voice she runs out from under the heater. When I pick her up, I start rubbing her cheeks, and she will turn side to side like a cat with her eyes closed. Very un-sclike :gig
I'll try and get a picture of her tonight

LOL. I bet that's cute!

Last week...
Was good serious issues.
Didn't even complain about liver function this time. KIDNEYS were okay for a change. DID up my pain meds but they haven't been working very well for a while.
tell me about it.....:/
Great!!! Knew your liver would respond and glad the other labs look good. Hope the new meds help with pain relief. :hugs

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