French frogs

GQF cabinets are all three up and running. Spent all my little bit of spare time putting that mess back together . Turned it on last night letting it run to cure the paint . it smells bad tonight . I only painted the inside . the fumes are pretty strong . I'm thinking the original paint was some kind of epoxy enamel so I left the out side alone.
So I'm guessing you checked into cost and have thought doing something like that . At this point I'm so deep in the hole what's a few more hundred dollars .

I think they are at least lead based enamel, that is some tough old paint. I ran my repaint outside to bake in.
Just a thought...have you ever tried incubating at a slightly higher temperature to get the chick out of the shell faster, or to scrub the cuticle off the egg over the air cell to enhance vapor exchange? Or even (gasp) drilling a tiny hole in the air cell with a 1/64" bit at lockdown? If I had to deal with those conditions I'd be trying all sorts of off the wall things.
All good ideas, but I just don't have the volume/space/desire to do those kind of experiments, although if I was a breeder and needed a large number of birds, I might. Many people in my situation just want to end up with a breeding pair or trio, then hatch out eggs from those to build up the flock.
At a certain point, it's just easier to source eggs from an equivalent or higher altitude, or just order chicks.

GQF cabinets are all three up and running. Spent all my little bit of spare time putting that mess back together . Turned it on last night letting it run to cure the paint . it smells bad tonight . I only painted the inside . the fumes are pretty strong . I'm thinking the original paint was some kind of epoxy enamel so I left the out side alone.
So I'm guessing you checked into cost and have thought doing something like that . At this point I'm so deep in the hole what's a few more hundred dollars .
But I only do like 2-3 hatches a year of a dozen to two dozen eggs each.

Here's a few faces from this hatch.

Looks like it's saying "Put me down!". Learning the stink-eye pretty early - better watch out for that one.
I think they are at least lead based enamel, that is some tough old paint. I ran my repaint outside to bake in.
This one is or was the oldest and worst of the three . I replaced all but two of the aluminum angles and added an extra one a the top of the fan divider and at the top of the back to straighten the top .I put a bunch of time in this one . Had to free up the turner motor .sure hope it doesn't stop working with a load of eggs in the trays

They're richer, so was I.
every thing richer than me
You kill that FOX yet ?
I think it depends on the diets, personally, but I do like them for baking better than chicken eggs. But I agree with Deb, yummy scrambled too!

I had been using them for all my cookies, brownies and such, but used a lavender orpington eggs for chocolate chip cookies and I tell ya, they were fabulous!!

Some recipes adjust ok with the larger duck eggs, some not so much.

You notice a difference with the Lav Orps over BOs?
This one is or was the oldest and worst of the three . I replaced all but two of the aluminum angles and added an extra one a the top of the fan divider and at the top of the back to straighten the top .I put a bunch of time in this one . Had to free up the turner motor .sure hope it doesn't stop working with a load of eggs in the trays

every thing richer than me
You kill that FOX yet ?
No, he hasn't showed in in 4 days. Probably decided the chicken houses across the road are easier pickings.

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