French frogs

Do you have a rear tined or a front-tined tiller?
The troy built is easier to handle with the tines in the back.
We got ours used and have had it 30 years, it requires a bit of tinkering, oil fuel changes ect. but everything does. nothing big ever has needed work done on it.
It was worth the 350 dollars in plants we traded it for.

Maybe it is time for a small tractor.
They break down and that will give you something to do... Just kidding.

I actually find the front time tiller does a better job.... But I'm ready to pick up a tractor or find a tiller for my little John Deere....

Do you wear a face mask when you are doing that kind of work?
You should. 

Good point....

She has a good point!

Yup... She's a wise(phone originally put wide.... Good thing i caught it ;) ) one...

:thumbsup I raised Silkies and AMs together, too. You're gonna have a bunch of poof balls! I hope! :fl

Cool beans Oz ....
It's a nice town to visit.... We need to head down there soon and see the grandkids ....
Still hanging in.....

It is a nice town. I had a generous invitation to move there. But for now, we are going to stay put. I am on a massive use it or toss it campaign and until it's done I don't want to even think about packing to move, otherwise I'd have to start all over again!
X 2 on both counts -- I don't do medicated feed (I will add some dirt to the brooder for enrichment and controlled exposure) - I have had a few situations where it reached the point of requiring treatment, but have never had a serious issue/bird loss so far with this approach -- I, too, prefer the natural immunity building whenever possible.

Oy, that's no fun at all - what kind of sick?

And some things they couldn't, lol - chickens will eat just about anything that doesn't eat them first.

Same here - though through the years I have had a lot of birds - I don't think it's so much about what one feeds as it is the bird's natural predisposition to having an issue - in your case, @Miss Ameraucana
it would seem that rather than diet it is the bird and not the diet - similar to a human with certain food sensitivities or prone to certain digestive issues who are not able to consume the same diet as the average individual.  You aren't feeding "wrong" - you just have a bird that would seem to require special management.

Chicken is a favorite snack here - there is something amusing and horrifying in watching the flock tear at a carcass once we humans are done with it....or playing tug of war with a chicken leg.

Thought it was a bad head cold, but at this point I think it's flu... OH said half the guys at his work are down sick too...

I think what's bumming me out the most right now though is my lungs have been breathing like a champ..... They are right this morning....:/
Hopefully they will clear up though as the day progresses.... How's everyone else today I'm done whining now

Oh, whine with me, Phil... I am achy, nauseous, and have zero energy...

:thumbsup I raised Silkies and AMs together, too. You're gonna have a bunch of poof balls! I hope! :fl

When I feel better I'll count and get pics...
How many duck babies did you finally get?

Nine...... Want some?..... :)

It is a nice town.  I had a generous invitation to move there.  But for now, we are going to stay put.  I am on a massive use it or toss it campaign and until it's done I don't want to even think about packing to move, otherwise I'd have to start all over again!

I'D like to move there but wife says no. Too big of a city for her.... She wants to stay on this tiny town. I think we could just keep this house here as a weekend place. We're close to paying it off.
Oh it aint happening anyways....

Good thing!  

Real good thing.....:lau

Thought it was a bad head cold, but at this point I think it's flu... OH said half the guys at his work are down sick too...
Oh, whine with me, Phil... I am achy, nauseous, and have zero energy...
When I feel better I'll count and get pics...

Feel better.... Rav
Been a while since we stayed up and B.S.ed half the night away.
Yup so get better pal...
I just got back from fishing.... Was a good evening. Caught a bunch of Pike and Crappie. Although we didn't catch any walleye which is what we were targeting.
But nothing beats a nice night of fishing to get your mind off of things

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