Friendliest Chicken Breed?


9 Years
Apr 13, 2010
Oakland, CA
I'm doing my chicken research right now, as I'm looking to switch to making my dogs food myself and want to include eggs.

What is the friendliest chicken breed? I've ready that Silkies are like the dogs of the chicken world, and I absolutely love their look, but I also want birds that will lay consistently.

I'd want to hand raise the birds from chicks, so I know that helps with socialization, but I'm sure you all have some opinions and thoughts of friendliness as the birds get older.

sikies are sweet so are cochins it varies within the breed. in general the Mediterranean class birds legherns, anconas ect tend to be more flighty
For me, personally, it is Cochins and Heritage Orpingtons. I also have hatchery Orps, but they just are not as friendly as my Heritage Orps, nor do the hatchery birds have the SIZE that my Heritage have.

My Cochins - large or bantam - follow me around, try to sit on me (shoulder or lap - they don't care) My Orps will trip me if I do not watch where I step, course sometimes I step on the cochins also.
Delawares, even as chicks, will run toward you, and climb all over you. I have several hens that are lap chickens. They are super friendly, and great layers.
I have to agree - my Delawares are super friendly - very curious anbd always want to see what " Dad" is doing. Cochins - Orpingtons- Favorelles- and Silkies all get high marks for frienliness too in the books i have read
Hi TaraontheCoast,

I vote Cochin. I have silkies also but my Cochin are more hardy in summer/winter and lay more consistently. Mine with follow me around and talk to me.

Good Luck
DELAWARES by far the best layers in the heat if you raise chicks the excess roos are good eating and they are like dogs mine always come running up to see me try to help me work outside I've never had chickens that I have enjoyed so much......they like to untie your shoes too....

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