Friendly breeds that are good layers

I have six Black Australorps, a Barred Rock, a White Jersey Giant, and a Black Sex Link. I got the Aussies when they were about 8 - 12 weeks and after working with them, they are pretty tame, and gently when they take treats or live bugs out of my hands or fingers.

The other three hatched in my incubator and I have hand-fed them since the first week. They will still all come to me and feed from my hand, they will all follow me and cluster around my feet, but the Barred Rock is by far the most tame and gentle, calm in my hand - even somewhat affectionate.

Aggressive, flighty, or ill-tempered birds (from what I have experienced) can be individual "bad actors" from almost any/every breed.

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My autralorp is like that. Great layer, super friendly- my daughter brings her in the house, feeds her scraps and then sits with her on her lap and watches TV. The bird just flattens out, clucks a bit and falls asleep, not even trying to get off her lap.
They would probably love Orpingtons (and they come in all kinds of colors!). My BOs laid like crazy, especially in the winter. I had 4 BO girls, and 3 of them we're stalk-you-through-the yard friendly. Loved to be held, and they would stand in front ite door (of my house) and wait for someone to come out and fuss over them. The other BO was constantly brooder, which means she was also constantly EVIL! Good luck, there are lots of friendly breeds (though I think it really depends on individual personalities). Some others are Sexlinks, EEs, Barred Rocks, Wyandottes. All of the bantams I've had have been super friendly and great layers, if you don't mind small eggs.
We have Rocks and all are super friendly. They will approach you and want to be handled. Not sure about how good of layers they are yet, as they are only a couple months old.
All my girls are super friendly. I did hold them daily since the day I brought them home. My best layers are my EE, dark brahma, and my RIR. I get an egg everyday for 8-12 days in a row before they take a day off.
My autralorp is like that. Great layer, super friendly- my daughter brings her in the house, feeds her scraps and then sits with her on her lap and watches TV. The bird just flattens out, clucks a bit and falls asleep, not even trying to get off her lap.

I might have to get an Astolorp for myself the next time I am in the market for birds if they are that friendly.
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All of my RIR are very friendly.
Only the ones that are laying will allow me to pick them up but the younger ones will come around.

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