~*Friends and Enemies~A Wolf RP*~ Accepting!

Fire nodded, looking kinder. "Hello, young ones." He nodded to them.
Cloud came up. "Hi, Fire. Hello. Aren't you Phoenix? I think I saw you and you pups."
Clover smiled politely at all of them.

Relieved, Phoenix let her guard down. Fire was a formidable wolf. She was unsure about him, but his transformation was remarkable. Just like that, he went from defensive, to almost approachable.

Her pups came out from behind her to greet him.

Jasper nodded, then meekly said," Hello, Fire."

Nialla softly said, "Pleased to meet you, Fire."

Phoenix looked over at the other wolves that had come up. She answered the one, "Yes, I am Phoenix and I've seen you around, too. We haven't been formally introduced. What are both of your names? If you don't mind me asking?" she inquired politely.
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Thistle looked at Helada. "What?" He snapped.
Cedar looked angry as he clawed at the grass.

Wing looked at Toten with a cold eye. "Have you been hunting? Because Fang has wanted you."

Dove wailed in fear and snapped at Emerald. 
"They were chasing us." She stated, almost to herself.
Maya growled. Alaska turned back toward camp. Rusty followed.
Black stopped at the border with Thistle. Thistle  glared at them. "Be quiet and obey without question."
Clover looked up, seeing Blaze and bolted off.
Cinder looked over at Onyx. 

"Sure." Silver replied quickly.

Blaze called,"Wait! Come back!" He glanced at Tyra. Tyra looked at him and said,"From what I could tell, that wolf didn't look like anyone I know. Let's go back," and she turned around and started her way back. Blaze looked at Tyra and then back, but he turned and trotted behind her.
Onyx stopped when he noticed a pair of tracks along the river and then heading into the forest. He scented the ground and found his sister's scent and some other wolf's scent that made him release a low growl.
Quote: Ice smiled softly and bounded into camp.

Quote: Dove sighed, looking over at Crimson.

Quote: "I'm Cloud." Cloud replied warmly, bowing his head.

Clover grinned. "I'm Clover. Your pups are so cute!"

Fire gave a small smile to each of the pups.

Quote: Silver smiled softly as she kept walking.

Quote: Thistle cocked his head at Toten. "You were here for the last two battles? Fire Pack and Sky Pack?" He snapped.

Quote: Cedar looked around.
Thistle sighed. "Who cares what those fools do?"

Quote: Mint looked over at Wing. "Stupid Forest Pack." She spat on their side of the border.

Cinder fluffed up also. "Now what?" She asked.

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