~*Friends and Enemies~A Wolf RP*~ Accepting!

Fang frowned, wondering if she was lying. 

Phoenix chanced a quick upward glance with her eyes, but immediately looked back down. Fang's expression was dark. Just as the silence, that now surrounded them, was deafening. But, she sat and waited. She'd told him all she knew on the matter. She'd answered him truthfully. He either believed her or not.
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Moon came into camp, feeling weary still.

(Okay! And I'll keep updating you. :)  )

Cinder looked over at Onyx. "Smell something?" She asked quickly.

( Thank you!)

Onyx nodded and whispered,"Yes, rabbit," and he then pointed his muzzle to a small shape that slowly moved not far ahead of them.
Dove continued to sleep deeply.

Black trotted into camp.

:)hugs )

Fang started at her as if Phoenix was some creature that had come from outer space. She dared talk to him that way? 
Thistle remained silent, waiting for orders from Fang.

Clover sat back, admiring her bravery.

Fire looked down at his paws.

Cloud sighed silently. 

Silver looked over at Rain, who was shaking violently. 

"Sasha, continue on. Rain," She paused to look gently at the female wolf, "and I will stay behind for a little."

(Oh…. yeah, if you did, you would be intruding on something…. sorry… :hugs )

Emerald nodded curtly back, watching him go.

Stone, the Forest Pack alpha was in his den, eating alone.

Cinder looked up at Onyx. "No.." She replied quietly.

Sasha looked at Rain worriedly for a couple seconds before nodding to Silver and carrying on.

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