~*Friends and Enemies~A Wolf RP*~ Accepting!

(Uh, sure, that will work.)
(Thank you.)

Corra bent down and whispered in Lily's ear. "Do you want to help me?"
Lily looked up at Corra with big eyes. "Yes" she said in awe.
"Okay. I will go around to the other side of the grouse and you get as close to the grouse as you can. I'll do the same and when I nod to you run at the grouse, okay? I'll be running at it too. I'll try to grab it but you can try too."
Lily mulled over Corra's plan and then nodded.
Corra looked to Moon for his approval.
Dove walked back into the caves, going through the bunches of tunnels to get to the place where she stored all her food. It was empty, since the snowstorm they had eaten the whole supply.
Thistle looked around. "What is Fang wanting us to do? Stay here until our paws rot?"
Crimson walked into the main cave and sat down, waiting for Dove.
Coby glanced at Thistle and looked at Feather.
Dove walked back to Crimson. "We don't have any food right now except for what you just caught, and I think a snow storm is on the way."
Black replied slowly "He said he had something to deal with."

Crimson was slightly surprised," Guess we have to go on a big hunt. I haven't seen big prey in a while" he said.
Coby crept closer to Feather

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