frizzle rooster in IOWA needs a new home


10 Years
Mar 31, 2009
Sorry! I'm new to the boards, what can I say.

Ok, from the top. We are in Iowa. He is a banty silkie mix but does not have the top knot thing. He looks very much like a 'typical' rooster but his feathers have the silkie feel to them. He feet have some feathering to them. He is also a frizzzle. Ok, he is a mutt. lol He was kinda an accidental hatching. He is pretty tame. He is approx 5 months old.

I would drive a bit to find him a good home.

Mostly he is black but he has lots of orangeish-brownish feathering around his neck, some on his back and some on his wings. Like he has auburn highlights.
But since his feathers curle it gives him a sort of ruff around his neck and head. He has a nice comb that flops over, gives him a jaunty look which goes well with the banty rooster thing. He is just very puffy looking due to being a frizzle.

He will jump in my daughters lap. I can pick him up but I have to chase him a bit. When we hold him he doesnt try to peck or dig at us with his feet. But he is chasing our cats about, which I am sure is humiliating for them. lol
Well DD is excited, she is so anxious to show him at the poultry show on the 18th of this month! WOO HOO. She was totally caught by surprise. I told her I had gotten hatching eggs and to open the box for me. When she opened it up, she was surprised/excited.....she thought someone mailed him in that box! LOL!
yeah me!!!!!

He is already making himself at home checking out the girls in the makeshift brooder in the basement! (they are under the screen he is standing on in the 3rd picture.


He's thinking 'GIRLS! There's GIRLS here! '
He probably thinks he is in chicken heaven.

We miss you Squeaky, you be good for your new mom.

And thank you again. Let us know how the show goes.
OH I will! DD is very excited! He is the coolest looking dude! and crowed bright and early this AM. We are keeping him in the inside pens so his feathered feet don't get messed up by the wetness outside! Gotta keep him gorgeous.

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