
Justanother Brooke

8 Years
Jan 29, 2011
Goldendale, WA
Got this little guy out of a mixed banty bin at Coastal. I'm pretty sure he's a white cochin, but could these be frizzle feathers I'm seeing?


Doesn't look frizzled to me at this point.

It might just be smaller due to being a bit younger than the others...they often mix ages.

As to another breed....d'Uccle is smaller than Cochin....they come in bearded and unbearded varities...and will have heavy foot feathering....they also have a white color.

Thought I'd give you a couple of photos to compare to your little cutie.

Here is a little frizzle chick about 9 days old showing how the wing feathers bend outwards.

And here is our little non-bearded white d'uccle chick, Ducky, next to her hatch sister, Cotton, a white Columbian Pekin/Cochin bantam. They are almost 2 weeks old here. Ducky is quite a bit smaller.

I'd love to see more photos as your little one grows.

I hope you don't mind if I jump on here, but I have a similar question. This little 4 1/2 week old chick is suppose to be a Buff Orpington pullet...but I'm thinking her wings look a little frizzled. Can a BO carry the frizzle gene?
Her feather tips are bending towards her body so she isn't a frizzle. (Very cute chick by the way - love the head fluff). Frizzle feathers curl/bend away from the body with the tips really sticking out. Frizzled feathering can be bred into any breed of chicken. Here's a picture of one of our little pekin/cochin bantam frizzle boys at almost a month old.

And at 6 weeks old - you can see how his feathers really sweep upwards and outwards.
Sadly all our frizzles have been boys and we can't keep boys where we live. At least the breeder I got the eggs off will take them back. They are so cute.

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