Frizzled black copper or cuckoo maran cockerel?


8 Years
May 11, 2016
New Albany, IN
Hi! I got this guy from a batch of purebred Moran eggs. He's about one month old, looks like my other Maran chicks in the face and same size as the largest one, but obviously has frizzled feathers. The seller says he's hatched thousands of eggs and never saw one like that, and he doesn't seem to believe that it's from his flock. Is this an anomaly, or am I confused? I did hatch some frizzled Cochins (supposed to be sizzles sad.png) and silkies at the same time. But this guy is huge and I found out a little too late that he was killing off my other chicks. He is big and a bit aggressive. So I don't think he's a giant Cochin.

He has a larger comb and already pinkening wattles starting to show compared to the other maran chicks. Also wing tips are copper, that's a maran thing, isn't it? The chest feathers are starting to look like a cuckoo pattern.




That's definitely a frizzled cochin if you hatched cochin eggs at the same time as the marans eggs. He is neither cuckoo nor black copper and if the person you hatched eggs from didn't have any frizzled birds in his flock it's impossible to get a frizzled bird out of those eggs.
Thank you!

But he's so big. That's what's throwing me off. I thought Cochins were small and gentle. I have another Cochin, I think!, regular feathers, that is 1/3 his size either from the same hatch or 1 week younger. We call her half chick because the little body is so short. Maybe it's a silkie/Cochin mix since they were sold as sizzle eggs.

Does he look like a cockerel? 1 month old, maybe too soon to tell since I was comparing his comb to my maran chicks.
Thank you!

But he's so big. That's what's throwing me off. I thought Cochins were small and gentle. I have another Cochin, I think!, regular feathers, that is 1/3 his size either from the same hatch or 1 week younger. We call her half chick because the little body is so short. Maybe it's a silkie/Cochin mix since they were sold as sizzle eggs.

Does he look like a cockerel? 1 month old, maybe too soon to tell since I was comparing his comb to my maran chicks.

Large Fowl cochins are giant birds - the males weigh 11 pounds and females weigh 9 pounds, so his size is not surprising if he's a cochin or a cochin mix. I can't quite tell gender from these pictures - there's not a clear shot of the comb and wattles, but if they're starting to develop and are turning red at four weeks that would be a sign that he is a cockerel.
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