From 41 eggs, how many are likely to hatch? Share first hatch stories


Dogwood Trace Farm
8 Years
Jun 3, 2011
Middle Tennessee
I have a new incubator - haven't used it yet. It's a hovabator - forced air with automatic turner. I plan on starting a hatch the week of September 12th. I've ordered hatching eggs from three differences sources - most from two different breeders, and a few from a hatchery. They're all supposed to arrive early that week. So - out of 41 eggs, how many are likely to hatch? I know it varies, but is a 50% hatch pretty standard - or is it higher or lower?

Would you share your first hatch stories - along with any insights and suggestions you have for a first-timer?
How many you get to hatch depends a lot on how the post office handles them on the trip between you and the seller. I've had everything from 0 out of 18 to 11 out of 13. Shipped eggs are a gamble and I'm always happy if any hatch, let alone 50%.
I set 57 and am down to 32 and it is only day 11 and my eggs were all local. Fertility was my main issue so far. I am leery of shipped eggs but may do it one day. I hope I can find eggs local first before I order shipped eggs.

What did ya get???
I got some Ameraucana, Marans, Araucanas, Welsummer, Barred Rock, White Leghorn, Light Sussex, Gold Laced Wyandotte, RIR, and Olive Eggers. Quite a mixture. I only got two eggs of several of the breeds. I figure whatever hatches - hatches. LOL! We'll see.
This April I hatched a very similar variety of 47 eggs from 3 sources also. One whole shipment was a bust (17 eggs) and that was a big bummer, but then of the other 30 I had 20 hatch. 1 little Ameraucana was a failure to thrive chick and didn't make it so I was left with 19 chickens! And of those 19 only 7 were roos!
Not bad! I gave 3 girls to a friend and now have my perfect little mixed flock of 9 and am thrilled. When learning all about hatching on here I wondered why the heck so many people were losing power while incubating and thought it was kinda weird. And what happens? A tornado touches down 2 blocks away and we lost power for 2 days!!!!! So HAVE A POWER OUTAGE PLAN!!!! Love your mix - a lot like mine! You're gonna love them!!!!!

Best of luck with your hatch!!!!!
Thank SO much for that response! I would LOVE it if I had 19 to hatch with only 7 roos. More than likely, I will rehome any roos that I get. How long did it take you to figure out which ones were pullets and which ones were roos?
Well, I just rehomed my last boy a week ago! My 2 groups that hatched did so on 4/9 and then 4/19. One little Welsummer was a big rooster after about a week. And a few I was pretty sure about early on but I didn't stress until they started to crow. My last guy I rehomed was gorgeous and not a big crower so I was sad to say goodbye. But he's living the good life right now and I'll go visit him. I was able to find good homes for all 7 luckily! They were very staggered with the rate that they developed - it was quite interesting. But at least for me by 19 1/2 to 21 weeks I knew for sure what was what. A pro probably would've been sure sooner, but I'm just a beginner! It's all so fun - you're going to love it!
First and last hatch attempt....36 eggs....1 hatch....lost multiples at each stage, result of a poor incubator no temperature control, the circuit was burned out leaving light on constantly....
too much to handle for us
I got some Ameraucana, Marans, Araucanas, Welsummer, Barred Rock, White Leghorn, Light Sussex, Gold Laced Wyandotte, RIR, and Olive Eggers. Quite a mixture. I only got two eggs of several of the breeds. I figure whatever hatches - hatches. LOL! We'll see.

If you need more I have barred rocks hatching and would share some eggs and I am going to get some white leghorn egg really soon, I can get you a dozen too if you want. He sells them for $10 a dozen and said he guarantees they will hatch... I think just fertile would be fine with me. I would never call him on that one at those prices. he is also getting White Rocks and RIR and will have eggs in the spring same price I am sure.... Oh he has Brahmas too. If you want his info PM me or I can just get you what you want when they are available.

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