From egg to chick!

Sister in law came over. She did the deed. I mentioned the birds. Didn't know she went and culled them real quick. They didn't suffer. Yellow baby is at peace. Black baby is with them as well. Left the bodies for the buzzards. Circle of life and all that. I only cried a little.
Oh OK, sorry I posted the other one, started it awhile ago then kept getting interrupted with this phone.

I know you feel sad but sometimes this is what is best. I had a sweet Guinea with tendon issues, poor thing could not even stand & therefore could only eat when propped up, despite my best efforts with a hammock support & leg splints, etc. It broke my heart but a life of constant struggle just to try and eat, is no life. Rainbow Bridge comes to mind...a better place. ❤️

I also feed our buzzards, circle of life & balance for the creatures in our universe.
Sister in law came over. She did the deed. I mentioned the birds. Didn't know she went and culled them real quick. They didn't suffer. Yellow baby is at peace. Black baby is with them as well. Left the bodies for the buzzards. Circle of life and all that. I only cried a little.
You did the right thing, they are at peace now, I hope you are too. :hugs
Oh OK, sorry I posted the other one, started it awhile ago then kept getting interrupted with this phone.

I know you feel sad but sometimes this is what is best. I had a sweet Guinea with tendon issues, poor thing could not even stand & therefore could only eat when propped up, despite my best efforts with a hammock support & leg splints, etc. It broke my heart but a life of constant struggle just to try and eat, is no life. Rainbow Bridge comes to mind...a better place. ❤️

I also feed our buzzards, circle of life & balance for the creatures in our universe.
Same. Boy are they uuuugggglllyyy though. The black faced ones are a tad cuter than their red counterparts though. Lol. My neighbor hunts and fishes so we have anywhere from 10 to 30 buzzards hanging around each morning and evening. They have a huge tree were they sunbathe when the sun comes up and when it goes back down. 🤔 At least nothing goes to waste over here lol. Feral cats, two free range roosters, plus buzzards? Decent clean up crew.
I had a Dolly once...she got renamed to Donny.

A funny observation...whenever I hatched a bunch of chicks, people came over & said, oooh, look at that little pretty one. The "pretty one" always ended up being a rooster! 😆
Idk if you know who Dolly is. She is our famous NN. Only showgirl that hatched out of the 16 eggs.

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