From squat to first egg...

Squatting is an indication of submission. Squatting is not an indication of egg laying.

The act of squatting was them submitting to you and waiting for you to mate them. You just became their roo.
I dont think you can make them squat. It is just something that will happen in time. Of course I'm a new chicken farmer so dont quote me!
Boy do I feel special now! She's still squatting, and no eggs to be found, but I seem to have a chicken girlfriend!

My RIR squats for my 2 yr old son
No wonder one of our roos keeps trying to attack him! He is apparently very jealous of his good looks and great personality... LOL I've got squatters and still no eggs from them, so it's definitely not an egg thing ..... but at least they are becoming more mature

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