From the chick to the chicken to the egg to breakfast or back again


Dec 19, 2016
Wander land
This thread is full of information that l have got from experience
The chick starts its life in the egg on (of course) an egg is incubated at 99.9 degrees 42-45 percent humidity to increase the health and wellness of the chick. A chick is in the egg for 21 days but it can take the chick up to 24 hours to hatch. The hatching process is the hardest thing a chicken will do in its whole life. Once a chick has hatched it should be put in a brooder with a heat lamp 21 one inches above, it can be raised or lowered as needed , if all the chicks are huddled together it needs to be lowered if they are all spread out along the edges it is to hot and the lamp should be brought up if they are mingling around and sleeping it is just right :celebrate . After a week you can raise the lamp, continue doing this until it is doing nothing at this point it is time to go out side (if they are fully featured between 4-5 weeks ) they will still need the lamp in the coop for a while ( unless it is really warm were you live). As you watch you watch you chickens grow you will find yourself under standing what amazing creatures they are. When they are about two months they can now be considered chickens once they are chickens they will start being more adventurous. At about 5-7 months they will start laying eggs :weee
Now is were we get to breakfast or back again if you have a rooster mabbe hatching chicks would be a fun thing to do but for the first few weeks you should not hatch the eggs they do not have the right amount of minerals. Remember if you eat the eggs you are NOT eating a chick you are just eating an egg even if you have a rooster .

It is completely normal to fall in love with your chickens
Very good!!!

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