From the Suffolk coast, England


7 Years
Apr 22, 2012
Suffolk Coast, England

Here are~:

Delia - Norfolk Grey (Delia Smith owns Norwich City Football team which is in Norfolk)
Kala - Black Cochin (Cochin is in ~India and I have been informed by my 11 year old that Kala is Indian for black)
Milden - Cream Legbar (likes too eat a lot, Milden is a wild plant that is also known as Fat Hen)

They are 5 weeks old, we still have them indoors as it has been hailing nearly every day but we have extended their housing (it's amazing what can be achieved with crisp boxes; did ensure that they weren't Roast Chicken flavour)
Hi && Welcome!!!

What little cuties you have there! :)
Such a sweet picture! I think our weather is very similar here. Our Seabeck WA weather has finally cleared enough for me to begin building a "play yard". I am looking for plans now on line. My 3 girls can only free range a bit each day to a point but I live in an area that has a bear, a cougar, coyotes, a fat but fast racoon & eagles that would like to eat them so not unattended! With 4 hens more ready to move in late Summer, I am trying to create an environment that's not just safe from the wild things that would like to eat them as a snack, but one where they have extra running around space so they don't get bored and peck at each other. I have one Auracona and two Australorpes. Getting four more Auraconas.
Sorry, this was a double post. :caf
I love the names on your chickens though! My first idea was "Feathers". Original. :lol:
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