Front heavy, butt up in the air?????

So I did treat for coccidiosis and it seems that that has worked, her poop has returned to normal looking however she stopped eating and I still have to syringe water her. I'm not sure what next to do. She has not been able to stand on her own now and her mouth is open almost like she's panting.
This is my silkie hen I was feeding treats today I always give them bread and suddenly she started walking around with legs bent head down to ground and butt in the air very scary weird. Her crop looked like it was waayyyy bigger than usual but I can't say for sure. I am almost 40 weeks pregnant and for some reason I was scared to death of her That was around 9am and she was still alive continuing same thing at 6pm. I thought she was choking but she is still alive like I said her crop looks exploded. Any advice?


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