Frozen Eggs


In the Brooder
Feb 22, 2018
Beaverton, Oregon
I ordered rather expense eggs the first of February for a end of March delivery. I was surprised when I received a notification that I would be receiving them mid-February during freezing weather. I immediately brought them into the house to settle when delivered and began incubation in a Hova-Bator with an automatic egg turner and using a thermometer/hydrometer.

I believe the eggs froze as none were viable. When I contacted the seller and asked him if he would replace the eggs if I paid the shipping (which was almost the cost of the eggs), he said I lost them because I was using a styrofoam incubator which had a previous successful hatches and he was sorry that I didn't know that. Is that correct?
:welcome and sorry for your troubles.

Had you and the seller previously agreed upon shipping at the end of March, or did you assume that they wouldn't be shipped until that time? If you agreed and he shipped them out early, then that's not okay.

I personally haven't had any instances of eggs freezing during shipping, even when shipping during cold times. I just have the eggs held at the post office for the recipient picked up so that they don't sit outside in a mailbox in the cold. Eggs don't spend a lot of time in freezing temperatures when shipped, and the packing material provides some insulation.

Honestly, there is maybe a small chance that they froze, but it's just as likely that they were ruined by a temp swing in your incubator, although if none of them even developed at all that might not be as likely. What was the temperature in your incubator?

It could also be that other things happened in shipping and ruined their viability. Shipped eggs are really a huge gamble. Lots of things could have gone wrong.
I use a styrofoam incubator and it works fine I have hatched chickens and ducks in it.

So had you previously agreed upon a later shipping date and he switched it without your permission? Because if that's the case then I think he should ship you new eggs.

You're positive there were no temp swings that could have killed the eggs? I have used Styrofoam incubators in the past and unfortunately they are not the most reliable incubators. I've even got one going right now because my usual incubator is full of emu eggs and the temperature skyrockets when the humidity gets low, so I have to stay on top of adding water or my egg is going to fry.
That time period in February was like 0 in many areas. My chicks definitely chilled badly and I lost 14 out of 102. I would thing if eggs got the treatment my chicks did..... they could have frozen.
Don't know. Are you sure they froze? Was your thermometer calibrated?
I cannot be sure they froze. It was snowing and the temperature was below freezing here. They were very cold when I brought them in as they were not in the delivery box for over five minutes. I let them set for a day before I put them in to incubate. question is about the Hova-Bator and the Sellers claim that since it is styrofoam it will emit a chemical that will affect the eggs after it has been used a number of times.
I think I have the oldest hova-bator ever made it don't have problems. The only reading I have found states certain disinfectants will emit fumes when heated but not the Styrofoam itself unless you are melting it.

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