Frozen feet - how long does frostbite damage take to show up?

Hi Ltilden, that's great news that Magnolia is doing so good! I'm so sorry that she lost her first toe and probably will lose all of her other toes (or most part of)😔
But what is definitely a blessing in disguise is, that it looks like she will keep her footpads - so she will always have kind of a good, stable basis to stand and to walk.
Here is the thread of brave Matilda, a hen who lost both feet (the whole feet, just stumps left) due to frostbite, and how she manages her life:
There are a lot of informations in there about frost bite treatments and about possibilities to help everyday life with damaged feet - perhaps you can find something helpful for Magnolia's case.
And hopefully seeing how Matilda manages everything on two stumps will give you courage regarding Magnolia's future.
Best wishes for you and your brave sweet little girl ❤️
I just read through Matilda’s entire thread and it was SO informative and helpful, thank you so much for sharing! ❤️ I am feeling much more encouraged about Magnolias prognosis. I will definitely keep everyone updated and share anything that might be helpful to others along the way.

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