Full Crop Constantly??


Jul 11, 2016
Menifee, California
i have one hen who seems to have a large crop (lump in chest) that is alwYs big no matter when or uf she's eaten recently. It never feels mushy like the others, and theirs seem to go down when its been some hours (like overnight) since theyve eaten. Shes eating and drinking normally, no signs of discomfort. Any ideas??
Thank you in advance!! You peeps are my saviors!!
You may very well have a bird with an impacted crop. I would suggest you isolate this bird in a cage or other container and provide water only, no feed, for 24 to 48 hours. During this time monitor the crop just as you have been doing to determine if there is any change. If there is in fact no change at all to the crop with just hydration being offered then you do have a case of impacted crop on your hands and we can go from there on how to treat it.
You may very well have a bird with an impacted crop. I would suggest you isolate this bird in a cage or other container and provide water only, no feed, for 24 to 48 hours. During this time monitor the crop just as you have been doing to determine if there is any change. If there is in fact no change at all to the crop with just hydration being offered then you do have a case of impacted crop on your hands and we can go from there on how to treat it.

Ugh! How is that treated??
I just went and checked it again since they are roosting and i can do a good check in the morning and see what exactly it feels like in the morning. It was more pliable this evening, we'll see if its empty or more empty in the morning. But it was still big, just not as hard this evening.
Ugh! How is that treated??
You may very well have a bird with an impacted crop. I would suggest you isolate this bird in a cage or other container and provide water only, no feed, for 24 to 48 hours. During this time monitor the crop just as you have been doing to determine if there is any change. If there is in fact no change at all to the crop with just hydration being offered then you do have a case of impacted crop on your hands and we can go from there on how to treat it.
Ok, so it is massagable, while massaging it, a tiny bit of fluid came out of her mouth and so I smelled her beak and it smelled a lil "sour". But it feels like it has a bunch of small pebbles or feed crumbles or something but she hasnt been fed since yesterday. The rest of my hens' crops are empty right now as I withheld food this morning. So still go 24 hours with just water?
It depends.....the some resolve with drenches of water and or oil and massage and/or vomiting. Persistent impaction may require crop surgery with the impaction being removed through a small incision

Ok, so it is massagable, while massaging it, a tiny bit of fluid came out of her mouth and so I smelled her beak and it smelled a lil "sour". But it feels like it has a bunch of small pebbles or feed crumbles or something but she hasnt been fed since yesterday. The rest of my hens' crops are empty right now as I withheld food this morning. So still go 24 hours with justwater?

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