FUNNIEST Thing I have seen in a long time!!


11 Years
Sep 23, 2008
Monroe, Ga
A few people on another forum were posting videos the thought were funny..
This had me laughing SO hard I couldnt hardley breathe!

This one gets a giggle too
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Thanks -- I needed that.
Its funny every time!!
At first I didnt even know what happend to him but after watching it a 2nd time I figured it out
This is my most favorite, I've watched it at least a dozen times. It's the Bacon kid from Wife Swap, King Curtis:

Then ask yourself.... Are you one of the sorry people???
OMG he reminds me a bit of Duddly from Harry Potter. He's a brat and I'd give that one a spanking he needs to meet "The Board of Education" is what he needs.
This will make you laugh really hard

Dryer fun

OK, 2 things.....
1. that news guy came to a KC news station sometime after that incident.....LOL!! When I 1st saw it, I was like..."that guy does the news here!"......I have a feeling he has to have his wife kill any spiders!

2. The kid that walked the hamster......also does other funny ones....... I think his dad is reliving his own childhood! LOL!

here is one

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