Funniest Things A City Slicker Has Ever Said To You?

my cousin when she last came up to visit I showed her our chickens she looked at me and asked if they have black feathers is the meat black. i just looked at her and started laughing
I know this has been said before, but it really is sad
how people have no idea how and where their food comes from. My Sister loves getting eggs from us, but my Brother-in-Law refuses to eat them because he personaly knows the chickens they come from.

I LIKE knowing where my food comes from. For them most part anyway...
I told my friend that chickens can lay blue and green eggs...

"So does the inside look the same?"

"Umm...yes. You know, the inside of a white egg looks the same as the inside of a brown egg...."

I have several egg customers at a local feed store. Last week, I found out one of the women is "grossed out" by my green eggs! Now I sort a brown and white carton just for her. Another woman at that store, just said "Good!" "I love all the pretty eggs." She's the one that all the 4-H kids bring all their pretty roosters to with the promise from her that she won't eat them. She's so funny. Except for her show horses, she has all male animals at her farm! Gotta love people who take care of the 4-H'rs like that.
Well, we were all there once. But you're one of us now, so we can't poke fun at you anymore.

*evil laugh as i sit in a chair, slowly petting a chicken*

Around here people dont actually call it broody. They call it "trying to set". Course they also use terms like " in the family way" for pregnancy and when you ask them to do something sometimes they say they will do it "dreckly". Dreckly apparently means in a while but sounds more like directly which is the opposite of in a while. Older people dont call monthly bills bills either. They call them donnes which is pronounced duns. I hand delivered some letters to a lady out here a long time ago and she told me not to bring her any donnes. I thought she meant dont bring her the neighbors (whose last name is Dunn)mail. Gotta love older country folk.
We were in a store getting supplies for a hunting trip, and mentioned we were going deer hunting. One woman got upset saying, "Oh! are you going to shoot Bambi?"
Hubby replied, "No... I won't shoot Bambi... I'm looking for his dad!"
Well, yes, actually. The traditional Box Turtle farmers of the Pacific Northwest use only white picket fences...because all the other animals would just ignore them!

I can't tell if you are joking. There are box turtle farmers?

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