Funniest Things A City Slicker Has Ever Said To You?

preppy*hippie*chick :

I also love getting new Fed EX people when shipping semen. (Horse semen). There's something about city boys and the idea of being anywhere near the semen of another creature that really gets to them.


This is what they look like when they do get near it


My aunt and cousins came to visit (they're from phoenix, arizona). The only animals they know anything about are dogs and cats and maybe a little about like parakeets or hamsters, etc. We go to Cowboy Church (the first ever cowboy church actually) and there is a rodeo arena out back. We brought our horses up so they could ride. We were teaching them about the different gaits and trying to get them to actually go faster than a walk (don't worry, my horse is a complete gentleman and total babysitter). We finally get Samantha to lope and she yells out, "Look guys!! I looped!!" We died laughing!

This same day my aunt looked into the field next to the church and saw a bunch of herefords. I said something about the cows and she said, "But they have horns. Doesn't that mean they're boys?" lol. I explained the concept of horned vs. polled cattle.​

This is what they look like when they do get near it


My aunt and cousins came to visit (they're from phoenix, arizona). The only animals they know anything about are dogs and cats and maybe a little about like parakeets or hamsters, etc. We go to Cowboy Church (the first ever cowboy church actually) and there is a rodeo arena out back. We brought our horses up so they could ride. We were teaching them about the different gaits and trying to get them to actually go faster than a walk (don't worry, my horse is a complete gentleman and total babysitter). We finally get Samantha to lope and she yells out, "Look guys!! I looped!!" We died laughing!

This same day my aunt looked into the field next to the church and saw a bunch of herefords. I said something about the cows and she said, "But they have horns. Doesn't that mean they're boys?" lol. I explained the concept of horned vs. polled cattle.

I have to admit to believing this for a very long time, but I live in NJ - only fancy jumping horses around here.

I work in a large inner city NICU (newborn intensive care).We draw from a large area of Ohio.
Consequently, we get babies from all types of families.
One day an Amish family was visiting their baby and a young
innercity mom (teenage) asked, "Are those people Pilgrims?"

When DH was little his Grandpa told him ham comes from the hump on a Bramhan (sp) cow. When my DD came for summer visit one year, she was 10, we told her that the hump was were their brain was. She is 30 now and this year at the Houston livestock show this little girl popped her Bramhan heifer on the hump and DD said don't do that you will give it brain damage.
Had to have a talk with DD
Inlaws were just up last weekend. The first question was "Is that a rabbit or a bunny" Then they decided to go to the farm w/my daughter when she bought 2 pigs for an FFA project. Their first question out of the car was "Why does it stink here" Then later in the barn, started yelling, "OMG the pig is pooping. Look, it's pooping!" On the way home they asked again, "Why did it stink so bad?"
Oh, I don't know, but I doubt that one pig is the only one of the 200 that poops!!!!!!!

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