Funniest Things A City Slicker Has Ever Said To You?

*evil laugh as i sit in a chair, slowly petting a chicken*

Around here people dont actually call it broody. They call it "trying to set". Course they also use terms like " in the family way" for pregnancy and when you ask them to do something sometimes they say they will do it "dreckly". Dreckly apparently means in a while but sounds more like directly which is the opposite of in a while. Older people dont call monthly bills bills either. They call them donnes which is pronounced duns. I hand delivered some letters to a lady out here a long time ago and she told me not to bring her any donnes. I thought she meant dont bring her the neighbors (whose last name is Dunn)mail. Gotta love older country folk.


This is awesome, I want to move to Tennessee!!!
Dreckly roughly means "when I get around to it". Lol

I grew up hearing "a setting of eggs". A hen "goes to set" and hatches a "setting of chicks"
A passerby at a chicken sale, indicating our chickens: "So, what are these?"
"They're Mille Fleur d'Uccle bantams."
*hesitating slightly* "So, are they chickens?"

Again, about our chickens: "Are they ducks?"

"Your chickens lay blue eggs?"
I can finally contribute to this thread that has caused me to LOL so many times!!!

My friend Sara asked "How does the momma hen get milk to her baby chicks?" I laughed, and then politely explained that chickens are birds, and dont make milk.

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