Funniest things little kids have said about your chickens!


7 Years
Jul 21, 2012
Northern California
Post the funniest things that little kids have said about your chickens. Here is one from me talking with my 6 year old cousin:

Her: Hey I was thinking that when your chicken Butter is old and stuff maybe I could have her.
Me: Well she would get lonely, so you would have to have another one.
Her: Okay, that would work.
Me: Well they would get really stinky.
Her: (She thinks about it for a second) Well that's okay.

She is so cute! :)
we live in a kind of remote area so not many people have seen my chickens but one little girl said, ''Mommy, the chickens kept going bawk bawk at me.''
Not a very funny saying, but "chicken" was my youngest brother's first word! He ran around outside for hours, chasing the birds and yelling, "kikens! kikens!"
Maybe not so much funny as endearing, it came from my 5 year old granddaughter when I introduced her to the chickens. The look on her face was of pure joy and delight as she gathered eggs for the very first time in her life. She had the eggs in her hands and turned to me and said . . .

"MawMaw's, every day is a little like Easter, isn't it?"

I just LOVED that!

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