Funny Chicken Names

When we got our chickens, I wanted to name them all "old lady names". Unfortunately, I couldn't get the rest of the family to agree.

We are hoping they are all pullets.... so with that in mind they ended up with the names:

Edna (mine)

Connor has pretty much turned into Connorita and Alexis has turned into Frizz (we think she is a white frizzle). Moose also is called Crow a lot lol
Congrats on the new additions. I'm sure there's a story behind "Batman." Our son has a hen named "Firefighter."

Our worst name was for a pretty black chick. (Her orig. name was 'licorice.") She had a bad habit of pooping in our laps. (Most are trained to hold it while in our laps. They jump down before pooping.) So this girl was nick-named "Poopie Poo" and eventually no one even remembered her orig name. Poopie Poo was a fantastic layer, but since we label each egg with the date & hen's name, no one ever wanted to eat Poopie Poo's eggs. Even the abbreviation "PP" didn't help!
hahaha I would question eating poopie poos eggs too LOL

there really isn't a story behind Batman... my daughter just came up with it. very pretty looking chick, no odd behaviors really. my daughter was going to name her 2 chicks Toaster and Table, but I wouldn't let her LOL so Batman came instead LOL
I have 17 chickens and their names are listed below (my kids helped name them).
Scarlett Johansson
Golden Eagle
Copper Hawk (aka Fuzzy Face)
Silver Falcon
Sunny (or Dilorise - we can't decide)
We've only named 3 of the 15

The first one: pretty girl
She was late on growing her feathers so she was bare for a long time and her wings didnt grow as big right away so she wasnt all that cute. So we called her pretty girl until she got pretty again

2nd and 3rd Are named bonnie and clyde because they came in together and they stick together

Clyde is a rooster. The rest are hens
My brother once named a rooster Wasabi. I have no idea why.
I used to have a silkie rooster that did the one-wing dance for all the hens and even for us all the time. Since he danced so much we named him Pecky McJagger.
This is more of a story rather than a name suggestion but here we go..

Me and my boyfriend ordered thirty leghorn chicks from McMurrey Hatchery and once you order so many they throw in an "Exotic Chick", this chick was the only different colored chick in our little flock so naturally we named her, we ended up naming her Martha.

As Martha grew and so did the other chicks we noticed more and more differences in her and we began to suspect that she was infact a he. After several weeks of wondering and not know she let out a mighty "cock-a-doodle-doo" and we realized that are suspicions we're true.

Not wanting to change the name cause we'll never remember it we decided just to keep calling him Martha, so we have Martha the Rooster lol

Here's a photo of him
I have a hen named Kevin, we thought she was a he, and had funny feet, so her name is Creepy-Feet Kevin. It stuck lol.
My hens are mostly named after friends of mine
Becky (half way between beeky and pecky)
I have two black Australorps named Shaniqua and Yoshanda
We had buffs named Betty, Blanch, Dorothy and Sophia
A BCM named P Diddy Combs, also goes by Puffy or Daddy, depending on his behaviour at the time
Enrique Egg Lays Yes

Pat is my gender confused hen (looks like a rooster and crows)
I have a Scarlet Johan-hen
Bubbles came with a trimmed beak and has an underbite

Moe (Madagascar game hen cross with what looks like a bowl cut and naked neck)
Spike (Tophat cross with a Mohawk)
Two Light Sussex Roos named Goose and Maverick and two Barred Rock Roos named Harry and Lloyd

We also have Batman (Black Bantam mix)
Willie Nelson (Blue)
Rorschach (looks like he has a Rorschach painting on his head)

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