Funny/Sad/Happy stories of your chickens



Living in a galaxy far, far away...
7 Years
Oct 17, 2016
Chickens are silly. So they make some pretty silly stories to tell. And I wrote poems for my chickens, have silly pictures, and random coincidences that happen to make perfect sense SOOOO...
Canary (red cochin banty) can fly 8ft almost straight up. So can Finch (EE/BO).

And now for my personal favorite poem:

Her feathers are yellow,
Her feet are white-pink,
Her comb is all crooked,
And she likes me - I think.
Peep's fun to talk with
She only says "Perp!"
So If I say "You're ugly"
She says "Okay, sure."
When folk's say ,"She's fat!"
My Peep gets offended,
And so I will tell them,
"She's only well feathered!."
I love Peep so much
And when she quits layin'
I made Peep a promise
That we'd let her stay.
~ Dedicated to Peep, the cutest, fluffiest
little buff I've ever had.
Lol! Peep sounds snazzy.

I have a sad chicken story ;-;

One of my first chickens sat broody for 30 days trying to hatch 1 rotten egg. I replaced it with a fresh eggy, and 21 days later she got her wish of 1 little baby. The next day her baby was eaten by a hawk


I also have a funny one. One day my older hen, Nimbus, started walking backwards for about 15 seconds. Weird XD
Oh goodness, poor mama!

And I have seen one of my girls walk backwards sometimes. Typically it's cuz they've got something on their face or in their eye
Chickens are silly. So they make some pretty silly stories to tell. And I wrote poems for my chickens, have silly pictures, and random coincidences that happen to make perfect sense SOOOO...
Canary (red cochin banty) can fly 8ft almost straight up. So can Finch (EE/BO).

And now for my personal favorite poem:

     Her feathers are yellow,
Her feet are white-pink,
Her comb is all crooked,
And she likes me - I think.
     Peep's fun to talk with
She only says "Perp!"
So If I say "You're ugly"
She says "Okay, sure."
     When folk's say ,"She's fat!"
My Peep gets offended,
And so I will tell them,
"She's only well feathered!."
     I love Peep so much
And when she quits layin'
I made Peep a promise
That we'd let her stay. 
~ Dedicated to Peep, the cutest, fluffiest
little buff I've ever had.

That poem was so cute! Peep sounds so adorable!
Here is another poem that i wrote for Frosty the light brahma:
Frosty the Brahma (RIP July 28, 2016)
Frosty the brahma
Was a weightless teeny-peep.
With her beetle brow
and her fluffy feets,
She is very, very sweet!

Frosty the Brahma
Is from a hatchery.
But her peoples would
love her the same,
If she was show quality.

There must have been some
Magic in that egg her Mama laid.
For when my weightless Frosty Hatched
Was the loudest sound of all - CRACK!

Frosty the brahma
Was a weightless teeny-peep.
With her beetle brow
and her fluffy feets,
She is very, very sweet!

Frosty the Brahma
Is from a hatchery.
But her peoples would
love her the same,
If she was show quality.
~ To Frosty Brahma,
my weightless fatty.

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