Funny/Sad/Happy stories of your chickens

Maybe I should try a Brahma rooster. I'd like one that doesn't go after my daughter. Maybe a "safe rooster" is a pipe dream?
I have never had amn aggressive Brahma (okay, Babs could be a real terd sometimes.... But she was weird. :p). I bet if you got one from a breeder, they would be amazing. Bigger breeds are usually pretty chill, but it depends entirely on the individual.
Or, if you can find someone locally who is willing to sell you some hatching eggs of any breed, see if you can meet the father. Father's temperament plays a big role as well.
We culled Lemon Pepper the other day for going after my daughter. The ladies seem to be doing well. Ryan, one of the girls, needed snuggles yesterday. It was so nice because with all the other chickens and us being so busy I'd lost track of her. She was the darkest of the 13 rirs, and the most sociable. My favorite. Since their adult feathers have come in fully it's getting pretty hard to tell who's who. But she came right up and when I went to pet her she didn't shy away. I noticed who she was and snatched her right up for some long awaited lovins.
Then a little bit ago I heard bragging. Went to check for an egg and found Ryan clucking alone in the coop. Egg in nest box. She got high praise, snuggles and wattle rubs. I got my Ryan back! And she's laying!
We culled Lemon Pepper the other day for going after my daughter. The ladies seem to be doing well. Ryan, one of the girls, needed snuggles yesterday. It was so nice because with all the other chickens and us being so busy I'd lost track of her. She was the darkest of the 13 rirs, and the most sociable. My favorite. Since their adult feathers have come in fully it's getting pretty hard to tell who's who. But she came right up and when I went to pet her she didn't shy away. I noticed who she was and snatched her right up for some long awaited lovins.
Then a little bit ago I heard bragging. Went to check for an egg and found Ryan clucking alone in the coop. Egg in nest box. She got high praise, snuggles and wattle rubs. I got my Ryan back! And she's laying!
Aw! My wellies are getting hard to tell apart now too.... I just got back from a weekend "workation" in the mountains (which was a BLAST), and wqhdn I got back yesterday o couldn't tell apart my Blossom anymore!! :hit They're all the same amount of beautiful now I guess... :( :lol:
Okay so I have 3 (soon more I am sure) house roosters and my main man is Boss. He was first so he's been in the longest and is showing my younger guys the ropes.

He likes human food. He discovered this by having a gummy. He was very confused by the gummy and kept picking it up and dropping it, making a concerned noise, then trying again. Once he figured it out, he started pecking people for gummies. Brat.

Anyway. Last night I had chili with rice and he was all over that. Eating it off my spoon. He has developed a begging face which is quite a sight to see.
I looked out to the run yesterday to see the girls sharing a meal with mama deer. She is raising twin fawns with several other mamas and fawns in the meadows nearby. We can hear them calling her. They sound like party horns!
Okay so I have 3 (soon more I am sure) house roosters and my main man is Boss. He was first so he's been in the longest and is showing my younger guys the ropes.

He likes human food. He discovered this by having a gummy. He was very confused by the gummy and kept picking it up and dropping it, making a concerned noise, then trying again. Once he figured it out, he started pecking people for gummies. Brat.

Anyway. Last night I had chili with rice and he was all over that. Eating it off my spoon. He has developed a begging face which is quite a sight to see.
XD he sounds like a smarty! :lol:

View attachment 1080629 I looked out to the run yesterday to see the girls sharing a meal with mama deer. She is raising twin fawns with several other mamas and fawns in the meadows nearby. We can hear them calling her. They sound like party horns!
Awww!!! :love Thats adorable!
Okay so I have 3 (soon more I am sure) house roosters and my main man is Boss. He was first so he's been in the longest and is showing my younger guys the ropes.

He likes human food. He discovered this by having a gummy. He was very confused by the gummy and kept picking it up and dropping it, making a concerned noise, then trying again. Once he figured it out, he started pecking people for gummies. Brat.

Anyway. Last night I had chili with rice and he was all over that. Eating it off my spoon. He has developed a begging face which is quite a sight to see.

Oh! I want to see a pic!
So, I found an old watch... My quail are fascinated by it while my chickens seem to think it is some kind of parasite... :lau

When it is on me, they try and peck it off, but when it is on the ground, they make a circle around it making angry noises and keeping a safe distance, as if expecting it to latch onto them too.
So, I found an old watch... My quail are fascinated by it while my chickens seem to think it is some kind of parasite... :lau

When it is on me, they try and peck it off, but when it is on the ground, they make a circle around it making angry noises and keeping a safe distance, as if expecting it to latch onto them too.

Lol! XD
I'm sure everybody's chickens are just as vocal as mine but they remind me of stereotypical Jewish mother's. Judging, always prodding. "You don't call, you don't write, are you eating? Does she look thin to you?" "She's thin, definitely not eating enough" "What took you so long to feed us and open the pop door anyway?" "Yeah, you should have been here two minutes ago!"
The dialogue goes something like this every day, all day long. Always nagging when they've got pretty great little chicken lives. Chickens are so much fun. Lol

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