Funny/Sad/Happy stories of your chickens

I am pretty sure this one was an Isa Brown but could have been a buff orphington, but she has the stripes like the other Isa brown chicks, sure glad we didnt loose both.
So I named this chick miracle today. We had a mishap at some point in time with the heat lamps which left them off for an extended period of time. wasnt such a big deal for the 3 week old chicks but the babies in another box suffered. by the time it was realized, one had already died, I believe due to the cold, the other was close to dieing and 4 were shivering like crazy but holding on. I brought miracle in the house, wrapped her in a wash cloth trying to warm her up. Eventually she warmed up enough to begin breathing on her own to eventually get her pepped up and back to normal within a few hours thanks to reading about caring for weak chicks lastnight on the forum.

Oh goodness, I'm glad she made it! :eek:
So tonight I was walking around the kitchen with a chick on my shoulder trying to peck my eyes.... Gotta love it. XD

I made dust baths for my chickens out of old tires from my car. My brother helped me paint them a couple weeks ago before he deployed. I filled them up yesterday and the birds went crazy for them.
My Easter egger is so weird she thinks that sitting on eggs for 12 hours every day is enough to let them hatch.She has been doing this for a month or two and she is probably thinking"Why aren't these gosh darn eggs hatching".She even plucked all of her chest feathers off.

Poor girl hahaha

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